Creating a Spelling Transient
I really want to finally get to grips with my spelling / dictionary set-up.
I’m happy with jinx
instead of flyspell
. I like powerthesaurus
and, of course, dictionary-lookup-definition
. It is mainly the keybindings I want to finally settle on. I have been moving them around for a while now but haven’t really established something comfortable.
jjjNow Emacs 29 comes with transient
, which is the keyboard-driven interface used by Magit, I am going to see if I can fit my spelling keybindings into a more menu-driven system. I have tried Hydra in the past but found I wasn’t really using it. Now that transient
is built-in and the syntax seems simple, let’s give it a go!
Here are my original keybindings:
(use-package jinx)
(use-package powerthesaurus)
(global-set-key (kbd "M-s y") 'powerthesaurus-lookup-synonyms-dwim)
(global-set-key (kbd "M-s a") 'powerthesaurus-lookup-antonyms-dwim)
(global-set-key (kbd "M-s x") 'jinx-mode)
(global-set-key (kbd "M-s c") 'jinx-correct)
(global-set-key (kbd "M-s d") 'dictionary-lookup-definition)
and converted into :
(use-package jinx)
(use-package powerthesaurus
(require 'transient)
(transient-define-prefix my/transient-spelling ()
"Spelling commands"
("y" "Synonyms" powerthesaurus-lookup-synonyms-dwim)
("a" "Antonyms" powerthesaurus-lookup-antonyms-dwim)]
["Spelling Tools"
("x" "Jinx" jinx-mode)
("c" "Jinx correct" jinx-correct)]
("d" "Lookup" dictionary-lookup-definition)]
("q" "Quit" transient-quit-one)]])
("C-c s" . my/transient-spelling))
and produces the following menu:
Well that was pretty simple, lets see how this goes and if I might then think about translating some more of my keybindings to transient menus.