Copying completion candidate to the clipboard

In my continuing quest to replace all my external use packages with my own elisp versions so I can still follow my current workflow on an air-gapped system, I would like to replace a single function I use often from embark

embark allows an action in a certain context, and there are a lot of actions to choose from, but I found I was generally using very few, so to remove my reliance on embark I think I can implement these actions myself.

The main one is to copy the current completion candidate. For example, I might be searching for a function name, so describe-function function for example, ha!, I just did it!, using describe-function to select describe-function and then copying to the clipboard to then paste in to this blog article!

Well that is it, so lets code it up:

(defun my-icomplete-copy-candidate ()
  "Copy the current Icomplete candidate to the kill ring."
  (let ((candidate (car completion-all-sorted-completions)))
    (when candidate
      (kill-new (substring-no-properties candidate))
      (let ((copied-text candidate))
        (run-with-timer 0 nil (lambda ()
          (message "Copied: %s" copied-text)))

(global-set-key (kbd "C-c ,") 'find-file-at-point)
(define-key minibuffer-local-completion-map (kbd "C-c ,") 'my-icomplete-copy-candidate)

Note of course that I use the built-in fido-mode and therefore icomplete so there might be possibly a different implementation if you were using something like vertico for example.

Also as a bonus, note that I have added another common embark action and that is to navigate to a file at point. Fortunately Emacs has this function built-in so I again bound to my former standard embark activation key.


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